The Lost Art of Thinking

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Dreams, Goals & Desires

in my silent now
I reach through spacetime via the typewriter
and I touch yours.

Smile for me, I came a long way to get here.
reach out and grab
for your most perfect dream.
Whisper its name.

There is no map for you to follow
is an uncharted horizon
steer by your stars
listen to your silence
keep to your course

Take the high winds and storms in stride
part of the plan

It's the only way I know
to help you smile
for you.

And do I have any complaints?

Only that I observe people
spending days
as though the supply were endless

tossingly them thoughtlessly aside
the last few they have
are consumed with terror at their
unsaid words
and loves once lost.

now you know
You Will Run Out of Days.

I suggest
that they be spent

In case you need permission
share your joy, your love, you body, your ideas
love the people you meet for
whatever golden joy is within them
follow your secret desires
challenge your limitations
to approve of yourself
dress in bright colours
bring peace to those around you
allow yourself to feel peace
love yourself
to love your life
here -

I give it to you.

is not the natural condition
of human beings.

Look around you
even over the city streets
sail in circles
celebrating their wings
in the wind and sky.

Are we not as blessed as they?
Where's our dance of joy?

And to the stumbling stammering
sorrow laden
fear struck
over stressed
multimillions on earth

I promise you
careful reassment of the situation
statement of the obstacles
evaluation of potential solutions
development of behavioral strategies
some clean, clear, well thought through action

will dig you out of
kind of cosmic muck you stepped into

out of the muck
is what you want.
And Should You Choose
a permanent conditon of incrimination,
fault finding, bitterness, frustration, excuse making, anger
and refusal to act on unpleasant information well gosh
that ' s
just dandy with me
You can lie and buy and sell your way along any twisted path you
have so carelessly selected
and I will still love you
I just can't wast my time hanging around
with all that sludge!

There are great giant steps and there are tiny small steps.
Any step is a step.
There are regrets that follow steps
And there is pride that follows steps
But the steps remain steps.

If you take a step and regret
you can reverse engines, backstroke, even
slink away
you took a step.

And if you choose not to step
Steps don't mind
they wait silently
someone else will take one.

without a word
planets spin and your lifetime ticks away.
And you notice
or you do not notice
and the planets spin and time ticks.

There is a voice inside you
that only whispers.

That voice is you
and whispers the truth
about every potential step every
taken steps every failed step.

And if you choose not to listen
the voice waits
and at the moment of your dying when
your clock ticks to a stop

It will scream
if you did not listen
It will comfort you
if you did.

I say
"Never you mind that gatekeeper -
Take me straight to God!"

And God Smiles
        On the face
                of the gatekeeper.

ideas from the cosmos now return to earth
for application
for manifestation

a balance of earth and Sky
made real to support the life force on earth.

keep the body clean and well
keep the spirit whole and free

to the flight pattern we add.some
structure to her wings
devise a destination

and capture wind.

the only difficult concept is accepting
the reality of the
absolute perfection of the universe
all so stunning in its simplicity
action having a ripple effect
the sum total of the life made apparant by


every picture telling the same story:
love one another
be at peace

begins and ends

cherish the day
cherish the day

so i sit pretty up here in my pines
reading the flashing green screen
through a fluff of live c-at tail

tumbling joyously through

Gentle wind
Clinging fire

The stalks fall quietly in the firelight
and weave the tale.

Everything the gypsies told me was true.
I dip my pen softly into the inkwell and begin.

I insist on freedom
                        and self-esteem.

Genuine love is a nice option to add but beyond that well
go ask the lake breeze
where she's blowing.

I've learned not to trust to the easy kicks
real giggles that persist
take a different kind of lightness
a more
complete investment so to speak.
To be in harmony with ones own silent voice takes
a deeper kind of effort..
                ..a constant relignment with ones own

So I ramble aloft
when time and tides permit
trusting in the sky to shelter and guide me.

When you sense my shadow passing
in your own wild dreamscape

feel free to make a wish.

The paradox of life unfolds.  If we eat right and avoid oh, say chocolate, is the net physiological gain clearly worthy in the face of spiritual,(yes, sometimes) emotional pleasures lost?  In the wink of an eye lives are created by sudden wealth or achievement or destroyed by random traffic blunders or illness, or worse. It is my main contention that the personal and private persuit of  excellence is the only possible solution to the ultimate questions concerning mans value on earth.
 Born naked and needy, requiring servants for many years, human child comprehends none of the game'to come, only feed me, soothe me.  Somewhere in your eighties, if indeed you survive to enjoy your eighties, once again someone will fetch you tea and slippers as you fade once again into mental oblivion and physical demise.  And inbetween here's what the dying discover.  None of the day to daily crash onward to success and glory mattered.  Not the awards or investments,  not the car, condo, furniture, haircut, or god bless it the cash.
Actually, the cash is best to leave behind. So what are the genuine achievements?  Oh, the kind words both heard and spoken.  The moments of honest communication between gentle minds.  Sometimes, for the most fortunate, there are life  goals. I would like to leave a rehabilitation center that is self sufficient so that no client could be turned away for lack of funding.
 It's the only tangible measure of the soul's incarnation, the daily-quality of life.  The fufilling of ones own private dream or vision, and the velocity of the spirit that comes from being able
to see some quality of personal best in oneself.

And through it all to love. Love everyone. We all took the time to arrange to be here together in this moment, in this elevator, classroom, stop light.  Send out grace and peace and love.  Try to channel your occasioanl hostilities into loud rock
nd other victimless deviations.  Tend your manners as well as

Favorite Question
If you have absolutely no idea where you are going
How long will it take you to get there?
Peace Madrical
Have you seen yourself in a different time as you spin from lightyear to lightyear?

Can you remember your name or what you cam here to do?

Have you learned the mystery of a peaceful heart and a quick mind?

Have you felt your spirit rise to meet a challenge?

Are you Proud? Good? Content?

Seven questions for peace.
   Before one begins any task or exercise, a generalized working knowledge of the forces involved can lend insight. What follows, then, is a framework describing the process of thought, beginning at the orientation to self, and the ability to hold attention, and flowing through to the comprehension of self.

   Perception needs a reference point, and in human thought a sense of self will be the backdrop on which events and the thoughts about those events will be shown.  Should you become convinced emotionally that all events are life-threatening, for example, each perception will translate into a horror. As life-time passes, each one of us forms a generalized world view which brings us comfort, sometimes referred to as cognitive consonance. We would like ourselves and our worlds to fit into some homogeneous eternity, so we take out our inner crayons and colour our world to fit what we previously thought it was. As events repeat, we see less and less of present-time reality, and more and more of "this is like that was." backwards comparing thought. To keep that system, like any other system, clean requires maintenance.  When you reflect on different segments of your life, you will find generalized thoughts occurring.  In the patterns of those feelings lies the trail you have blazed though your life, a path which may or may not be more useful, if it were changed.

   Generalizations specifically fit nothing, and include everything. This is not thought.  It is thought avoidance.

   The greater the sense of self, the more you build an image of yourself through doing deeds which you admire, the greater your chances become at paying attention.  The more you cheat the system, ignore facts, generalize away truth, and make excuses for your behavior, the higher your distractibility becomes, and the less able you are to even focus your attention on any one specific
 topic. This is the most common breakdown in the human ability to think: lack of continuous reference.  There is no self with which to build comparisons to new information, and so the ability
 to pay attention dissolves ...........

If you don't do it now,
When do you expect to?


   And how did we get here so fast?  Because in the paying of attention, you are gathering into your Netscape both bits and pieces of information, and a wide range of emotional and spiritual values.  Since your most precious possession is your life time, and that is measured by where you are putting your attention, we suddenly have some very serious value judgments at stake, here.  Try the following scenario.  You have prepared to spend a pleasant and private day on stress relief, and are running a candle-light bubble bath party for yourself when the phone rings.  The caller is a salesman with an exciting new line of gourmet pet food to delight your cat.  How long will you listen to the intruder?  Unless you were just searching for a new supplier for fluffy's culinary pleasure, is this in your scope of intention?  And will you be gently distressing as you listen to the litany of the tasty benefits of this particular mixture of kibble?  Well, are you a chump or aren't you?  Is this event adding to your daily value or detracting from it? Who will be the judge or overlord who you can turn to in regulating such things? Without conscious intention, and some strong centering on your own value concept, and perhaps just a dash of memory that you are in the middle of a private party and your attention belongs on your calming bath, you have very good odds of being carried away into a business transaction of dubious value.

   So who will win?  The caller is on his mission, make money pushing crunchies for fluffy.  Are you on your mission?  Who will triumph in this little skirmish for a moment of your life, another drop in the bucket of your accumulated memories of your own self and the behavior thereof?  HA!  Hope it's you!

   Isn't it amazing that such incredibly complex issues boil down to the same simple structure. Thanks to the repetitive simplicity of nature itself, things are just bound to go certain ways under similar circumstances, and any life filled with lies to the self and to others is bound to crash and burn sooner or later. It's natures way to destroy those elements which are not furthering their environments. Check out a mama cat with a sick kitten and get back to me.

   HOW TO CREATE A NIGHTMARE LIFE. Abuse drugs or alcohol or favor any one destructive behavior to the exclusion of everything else in your life. You guys know who you are so knock it off already. Go get help if anything, even like being too health conscious seems to be getting the better of your time and attention. Otherwise you will have a nightmare life. This can also be achieved by maintaining a mean temperament, asserting violent or angry behaviors, telling or pretending to believe, lies, or neglecting any one life necessity (food, shelter, sleep). AS AN ADDED BONUS YOU WILL TORTURE AND TORMENT EVERYONE IN YOUR LIFE WHO LOVES YOU UNTIL THEY ALL GET TO LIVE NIGHTMARE LIVES, TOO.....JUST BECAUSE THEY LOVE YOU! (or as long as they can stand it)

   Let me add that if your therapist seems to be dragging things along and you aren't getting what you think you need, keep trying another therapist or therapy. Not everything works for everyone.

 Like any other sport or fine art, keeping a grip on yourself and what you are doing Is a circle. You maybe Improve a little, skid a bit, muster your stuff and try again.  The next time, you skid a little less, and recover Just a tad quicker.

There Is no end goal, finished painting, winning score.  Your motive Is Just to Improve your own game, be able to share your discoveries with those around you and maybe have a little more fun in the midst of it all.

 If you remember only one thing from your travel through this workbook, let It be that you have a voice, a mind, a brain in your head, and that It's there to help you with life on this silly little planet.

Find a little quiet space and spend
some of your precious time
deciding what you do with it.

   What then do we take into our love relationships when we manage to dare to enter such a bizarre and dangerous area?

   Are we going in hungry, needy, broke, sick and dazzled by it all? Or are we showing up with a nice haircut with basic needs met, ready to play fair?

   For any progress in any one sphere of human type life you need to provide the basics for yourself before you can get to the interesting stuff. Entering into love to substitute for growing up or security puts chains all over everybody.

   Permit me a premise, here. Suppose everyone knows the entire truth about everyone and everything all of the time. Now take any snapshot psychodrama where say, he tells her this but really feels this, but she doesn't know, so she tells the other guy something else, because she has the wrong information, see? Okay, that's how we infect each other with unhappiness. Person one fails to solve basic problems of needing attention, or getting money for food, or maintaining physical pulls in the person to provide cash in a flash, or sense of existing, or say to ASSIST IN THE GAME THAT NEEDS TO GET PLAYED...TO KEEP PLAYING SOME OTHER GAME.

   The options, and one potential ideal solution would be to take two players who have met their separate individual identity requirements, (a very personal judgment actually) including paying their own bills, feeding, resting and maintaining reasonable health in their own physical bodies, and maybe a few nice touches. Someone ho shows love in the forms of spoken kindness, well prepared food, and lives gently meets another strong and well ordered person and they will just decide to adore one another. That will work out.

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