The Lost Art of Thinking


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Questions and Answers

There Sould be more
Questions than Answers!


You take a topic, person, goal,
or problem, break It down Into
as many small steps as you can,
and add them up like an equation.

Here are sample questions that you
can ask yourself.  You may come up
with others that apply to your
specific subject.

Write down answers to each of the
questions, date the page, and put
it where you can check It out
again In a few weeks. Watch as
your questions, answers, and your
situations change from the Information
you have come up with about them.

The more you understand what It is
that you're doing, the better chance
you have at being able to have control
over events and changes In your life.


What is the overall sound of
my thought in my mind?

Do I have an attitude to those
thoughts which is a major addition
to the way I feel about my life?

Could I change the sound of my
inner thoughts to reflect a
change which I would like to make?

How can I do that?

What would I lose if I did that?

What would I gain if I did that?

Do I maintain relationships in my
life which do not measure up to my

Why do I do that?

How can I change that?

What would be the benefit from making
those changes?

What would be lost?

Could I live without whatever I
would lose?

Do I indulge myself in behaviors
which I truly do not approve of?

How could I change that?

What would be the gain?

We usually work around what we feel
are our limitations, time, money,
desire, space, or motivation.  Try
to answer the following WITHOUT
having any adjustment to the way
you see yourself and your position.
THAT YOU THINK AND SEE, how would you
answer these?

Where would I rather be right now?

What would I do there?

What would I like to have that I
don't have now?

How could I get that?

 What would make me feel better than
 I do now?

Why is that?

If I did/had that, what other changes
 could that cause In me?

Is there something that I would have to
give up to do/have that?

Can I do without whatever I would have to
give up?

What Is Important to me really In the
life that I live every day?

What resources am I using to
help me to become the person
I truly wish to be?

Are there sources of information
and inspiration that I have not
made full use of?

Am I taking reasonable care of
my body, my overall health, my
home, finances, and friendships?

Do I need to concentrate my efforts
in any one area to achieve some
sense of balance?

What is truly important to me in
the life that I live every day?

Do I feel some sense of growth
in each separate aspect of my life,
or is something the same as it was
years ago, and needs to catch up
with the new me that I am now?

What do I have that I don't
need or want in my life?

How could I move that out of my

What do I need that I don't have
in my life now?

How could I move that into my life?

What motivates me to action?

Of all the separate events you
have drawn into your life, what
is the most important to you?

Why do you think that?

 Of everything that you do during
 the week, what matters the most
 to you?  And the least?  What
 would you like most to change?
 What are the ways that you could
 do that?

Do you have a desire that you are
not able to fulfill at the present?
What is preventing you from doing
that, and how could that be changed?

When you were a child, can you
remember making promises to yourself
about how you would live?  Did you
keep those promises?  Could you
make changes now to fit those pure
desires into the life you have now?

Do you have any one activity or
obstacle in your life that seems to
be preventing you from enjoying your
life?  What would you need to do to
change that behavior?

What are the most positive and healthy
actions and activities in your life?
How could you add to them?

What are the most negative and destructive
aspects?   How could you alter those actions
and behaviors?

What would you gain?

Of everything In your life, what is
most Important to you and why do you
think that?

Of everything that you do during the
week, what matters most and least to

If you could do absolutely anything In
the world, what would you do?

Can you think of some way of adapting
that desire In the above question to fit
in the life that you lead now?

Can you change the life that you lead to
fit that desire In?

Can you Isolate what It Is that you would
gain from that desire and find another way
to fill It?

When you were a child, can you remember
making any promises to yourself about how
you would live?

Are you living up to those promises you made
to yourself as a child?  Why or why not.

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